Sunday, May 9, 2010

12 weeks

Here I am at 12 weeks:

I'm pretty amazed at my new little bump, and it's helping to make the pregnancy feel real and not something I totally imagined. However, once I looked at this picture I came to the realization that to other people I probably am just looking fat. Look at all that WIDTH I've never had before in the middle! Gabe took pictures to the left, right, head on, and then told me to turn around. I said and exactly how does that monitor the pregnancy?  And he replied that we'll get to see my pregnancy butt grow and grow. Ouch.  This general feeling of expansion is perplexing because I think I've gained 2 pounds at most. 

I have my first big prenatal appt. this Thursday and I'm really excited to hear the little one's heartbeat again. Given my lingering symptoms and expanding belly I'm pretty sure all is well in there. My nausea is a lot better - I went quite a few days in a row without any, but then it hit again in puppy training class. I had a screwy morning though - sleeping til 11 a.m., and not eating til 1 (which is BAD news for anyone that knows my blood sugar issues), and then being around pet hair and smells - yuck. Even though I slept a good 9 hours last night I came home and passed out for another 2. My husband has a bad cold so I hope I'm not busy fighting the beginnings of something. 

In other excitement, I am going to schedule the next ultrasound this week! It'll be sometime in late June/ early July and we'll get to see how things are progressing and also, if baby cooperates, we'll get to find out the gender!!  We're so excited about that.  I've been leaning towards thinking it's a boy and Gabe is leaning towards girl, but who ever knows. I expected to know magically once I became pregnant but I'm clueless. If all my dreams about babies are premonitions that means I'll be having about 16 children. My dreams are proving unreliable in this department. I'd love a boy because he'll be a big brother, and Gabe is great with boys, and because of this video. I'd love a girl because the clothes are ridiculously adorable, because the mother-daughter bond is special, and because I am much more familiar with little girls than little boys. So either way, I'm thrilled. I just can't wait to find out so I can bond a bit more with the unknown creature inside me, and so I can prepare a bit more with furniture, clothes, etc.

Oh, no picture for today but baby is about 2.5 inches crown to rump and is the size of a lime/plum.  He or she is developing reflexes and may be sucking its thumb..awwww. Next Sunday is officially the start of my second trimester!

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